City of Marion, Wisconsin 


Your City Council


The City of Marion is served by a Mayor/Council form of government. As elected officials the Mayor and Alderpersons have the responsibility of representing their constituents and providing a forum for the discussion of their requests and grievances so consensus can be built in order to adopt policies which responds to the needs of the community.





The Common Council meets regularly on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located in the Mairon City Hall, 217 N. Main Street.  The Mayor and Alderpersons follow a regular order of business on the subject matter it will address during its meetings.


Annually the Common Council has an Organizational Meeting on the 3rd Tuesday in April.  At this meeting the Alderpersons elect a Council President who acts in the absence of the Mayor.  The Mayor presents to the Council his appointments to any Committees or Boards. 



The agenda is prepared in advance and usually a department, committee or board has already investigated the subject matter listed on the agenda.  Thus, the Council has all the available facts in order to render a decision on an issue.  Copies of the agenda are available in the City Clerk-Treasurer’s Office. 




The Mayor is the embodiment of the executive branch of government.  The Mayor is the Chief Executive Officer of the City and is therefore responsible for presiding over the Council meetings, making appointments, present proclamations, breaking ties  when the Council is deadlocked and represent the City at all types of functions.  The Mayor assists the appointed employees in the administrative functions of the City in order to assure the Council’s policy directives are carried out. 




The Council is the policymaking body for the City. It is the legislative branch of government. The Common Council establishes policy, adopts an annual budget and confirms appointments made by the Mayor.


The City is divided into four (4) aldermanic districts. Each aldermanic district has two (2) Council members.  The six (6) member Council is headed by a Council President.


Council members can only exercise their authority when acting in concert with other Alderpersons at a publicly advertised meeting.  This is accomplished primarily through adopition of ordinances, resolutions and through motions that define community policies and standards in order to guide program development and implementation. 




Alderpersons and the Mayor serve a two (2) year term. Three (3) of the Council members are elected in odd numbered years and the Mayor and three (3) Council members are elected in even numbered years. 




The City of Marion has a number of Committees and Boards that are appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Common Council.  Some of the members of these entities are not Council members. 


The standing committees and boards assist the Mayor and Common Council in researching issues before the Council in order to come to a consesus on how to address and resolve the issue of community concern. The Chairperson of the committee or board will than present the committee's or board's recommendation to the Common Council.


Please go to Committees and Boards for additional information.