Reporting an Incident to Police - DON'T WAIT CALL NOW!
Harassing Phone Calls
1. Many times harassing phone calls that are hang up or no answer at the other end are telemarketers. To solve this problem you may place your home phone on the "No Call" list.
2. If you need to report harassing phone calls please be prepared to give dates and times of when the calls came in. Also provide what was said and if you know who the caller is.
3. The Police Department will give you a case number.
4. You then call your phone company and request a trace on your line. The phone company will ask you for the police department case number you where given.
5. The phone company will contact the police department with the results.
1. Please call as soon as the vandalism is detected.
2. You will need to provide detailed description of the vandalism and value of the property lost or damaged. (Obtaining an estimate is recommended)
3. Please provide a time frame and date (s) when the vandalism occurred.
4. You will be asked to sign a Property Non-consent form. (This indicates you did not give anyone permission to vandalize your property)
5. If you suspect an individual(s) please let the Police Department know when you call. Be prepared to explain why you suspect them.
Damage To Property
1. Please call as soon as the damage is detected.
2. You will need to provide detailed description of the Criminal Damage and value of the property lost or damaged. (Obtaining an estimate is recommended)
3. Please provide a time frame and date (s) when the Criminal Damage occurred.
4. You will be asked to sign a Property Non-consent form. (This indicates you did not give anyone permission to damage your property)
5. If you suspect an individual(s) please let the Police Department know when you call. Be prepared to explain why you suspect them.
Suspicious Person
1. Please call when the problem is occurring.
2. Dispatch will keep you on the phone while officers respond.
3. Please give as much detail/description of the person when you call. Such as;
hair (color, style),
approximate weight and height,
comments/words made by the person,
if they mention their name or city they are from, are there others with them and are they in a vehicle or on foot.
Suspicious Vehicle
(Not a parking complaint)
1. Please call when the problem is occurring.
2. Dispatch will keep you on the phone while officers respond.
3. Please give description of the
vehicle (make, model, loud muffler, colored lights),
plate (letters, numbers),
occupants (how many, male, female),
direction of travel,
what subject(s) were doing,
how long vehicle has been observed,
is vehicle familiar,
has vehicle been there before.
1. You will be asked to provide a value and replacement estimate for each item stolen.
2. You will be asked to sign a Property Non-consent form. (This indicates you did not give anyone permission to take your property)
3. Please provide dates/time frame of when the property was taken.
4. Please provide names of all that would have had access to that property. If you have a suspect please indicate so and why you suspect them.
5. It is best, due to information needed, to come to the Police Department in person and report this crime.
1. If you discover your home has been burglarized STOP!
2. Stay out or get out of the house (Don't touch anything)
3. Call from a neighbor, tell dispatch the phone number and address of where you are at and stay there.
4. Police will respond and make sure no one is in your home
5. The police will then contact you and ask you to walk thru the house with them.
Know Something? Heard Something? Saw Something?
Your Tips could be the tips that is needed to solve a case or prevent an undesirable act. Don't wait call it in.
Marion Police Department
Arson Tip Line
(800) 362-3005
Drug Tip Line
Waupaca County Crime Stoppers Inc.
(888) 258-9955
You could be eligable for a reward!